Monday, April 18, 2016

Knee Pain

In my last post we talked about Intracranial Hypertension.  I was diagnosed about a week-10 days before I had my left knee replaced in January 2013 when I was 41.  That was another great joy of being obese.

I had suffered from knee pain for years.  Since I was in high school my left knee would suddenly lock up for no reason.  No doctor would do an MRI or anything …. Did MRI’s exist in the 80’s???? Back then I was a TWIG, by twig I mean, when I had a physical in 1990 I weighed 114 pounds. I was a dancer growing up, taking jazz and tap lessons until I was 15 and my knee sidelined when it kept locking up.

(That's me on the right - wearing a turtleneck, sweater and jeans in AUGUST!)

Fast forward through my 20’s and 30’s my knee locks up and swells up occasionally and I grin and bear it.  Then, the dancing bug bites me again, this time in the form of clogging.  Don’t know what clogging is?  Remember All That from – the all male “tap” group from America’s Got Talent? That is clogging!  I started clogging in 2006. Now weighing in at probably 230-240.

In August of 2009 I went to the Doctor because of pain in my knee.  He said I probably had torn my meniscus.  He ordered an MRI and a referral to an orthopedist.  I had my MRI in September.  I saw the orthopedist on a Tuesday and she said I see a knee replacement in your future, and I was scheduled for knee surgery (not replacement) on Friday.

I didn’t give up dancing.  The pain in my knee didn’t stop.  The following Spring I went through a series of 6 shots in my knee.  That was about as fun as it sounds.  It offered no relief what so ever.  A few weeks later I had another shot of a different medicine.  No relief. 

A year later (2011) brings a referral to a different doctor in a different hospital.  More shots. More pain. The doctor agrees to go in and clean out my knee again and I agree to give up dancing.  My heart is sad. 

About 6 months later I’m still in pain.  I can’t walk.  My knee gives out all the time.  I fall down. A LOT.  I end up in the emergency room because I fall down and end up severely bruised every few months because of my stupid leg.  I say its time.  I get referred to the knee replacement dr.

Here is a pic from one said fall. 

After testing, my left knee is bone on bone, with bone spurs.  My right knee is really ok.  They don’t really want to do the replacement because I am so young, but it’s basically my only option.  Knee replacements are good for 15-20 years, so I will have to do it again in my lifetime. Replacement is set for January 2013. Total knee replacement at age 41.

Total knee replacement is NO JOKE!  That sh!t hurts!  Youtube that surgery. DAMN!  It takes about a full year to really recover, and your knee NEVER feels like your knee ever again.  I am 3 years post op and while I do not have the daily aching paid that I had before, I do not have full range of motion, I can’t kneel, I can’t jump, I can’t run.  I think about every. Single. Step. That. I. Take.  

The lymphatic drainage system was also damaged in my leg when my surgery was done so I will always have edema in my left leg and I will probably always have to wear, heavy duty, need a prescription, get a medical supply store, cover my beautiful tattoo compression stockings.

But ya know what????  I started clogging again this month.  I say as long as I don’t “jump” they aren’t taking my dancing away again!  Dancing – especially clogging, and my clogging family, brings me joy, and I deserve it.  I hurt like a mother trucker afterwards, but I don’t care!

1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine what it is like to have knee pain. I've been fortunate to have adequate health. The only types of pain I have suffered come either from injury or some kind of neglect. I often find myself surrounded by people who are in some kind of pain in their joints.
