The last few posts have been way too serious so let’s get
back to some laughter. Do you know what
funny? My friend Stacey is going to
agree with me on this, people tripping and falling. You don’t mean
to laugh, but you can’t help
Why is it so funny?
Is it because of the faces they make?
The gestures they make trying to stop
themselves from falling? The way they play it off after they tripped,
like hey I meant to do that? I don’t
know, but darn it, it’s funny, unless of course they got hurt, or they are
disabled or something – I’m not
an asshole.
You know who fall down a lot? Fat people!
Or, maybe just me. I’m a fat
people. I fall down a lot.
Gravity isn’t my friend, never has been, probably
never will be. Just ask my kids. I fall down stairs.
I fall up stairs. I trip over rocks; heck I trip over blades of
grass. I am a tripping mess!
It reminds me of the old Looney Tunes
skit…trippin’ & trippin’ &
trippin’ with Daffy Duck
One night leaving the bar I was walking along and yup, I
tripped. There was a hole in the
and I rolled my ankle and bam down I went. Marie was like – Where did Cora go – down
Up I pop. Sprained my ankle. Ok, so the drinking had
some to do with it, but there was a hole there
I swear!
One day leaving DMV I am walking down the sidewalk in
Montpelier and roll my ankle and I go flat
on my face. You guessed it, sprained my ankle again. Graceful I am not. Down the street there was
about 6 priests and not one of them came to help me. Hmmmm not nice! Probably too busy standing
there laughing!
Then, there was this time my husband and I were getting wood
for the house. I was standing in the
back of the truck. Now, I know enough
not to jump out of the back of the truck.
I am fat after all.
It is going
to hurt! Haha. I ever so carefully climb
down out of the truck; take 2 steps roll my ankle
(anyone see a pattern here)
and fall breaking my left hand. Some
people will do anything out of doing
wood, me I break bones!
My husband does not see the humor in people falling. Maybe it is because generally when I fall I
tend to hurt myself in some way, which is odd because as a fat person you would
think that would
cushion me somehow pfft see that doesn’t work! Then he ends up
taking me to the ER and they
always ask the dreaded question, “Are you safe at
home”. Hell yes I’m safe at home. I’m just not
safe on my own damn feet!
We had just left a friends baby shower and we had just
gotten home. I was carrying a pyrex dish
and was walking to the house. Guess what
happened? I ….. yup, rolled my ankle,
and I went flat!
I landed square on that
pyrex dish and it shattered. Monty was
freaking out! I was like I’m fine.
He was like, OMG no you’re not there is blood
everywhere, don’t move you could have shards in
you, are you ok? I was pretty
scraped up but no deep cuts, but yet another trip to the ER. Ma’am are
you safe at home? Again I say, yes, I just cannot walk.
Somehow I have managed not to fall since I had my knee
surgery, well, except for when I climbed on
top of the chairs last year and
that didn’t end well. That was my own
stupidity, and not my feet just
not cooperating.
Like I said, while I do find falling people funny, I am not
an asshole. We were at Thunder Road a
few years ago and there was a group of young teenagers near us in the
bleachers. There was a teenager
on the grass in front of us. She was
about 15 years old and she was overweight.
She stood up
and tripped over a rock or something and fell down. The boys around me started laughing at
Then the poor girl stood up and
tripped and fell down again, making them laugh even harder. She
did this like 3
times, in front of a huge bleacher full of people. I felt so bad for her. I told those
boys to shut up, how would they
feel if they were the one down there.
They stopped. So, see even
I think falling is funny I have my limits, but in the meantime, watch this
video of people
falling – HAHA
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