Thursday, May 12, 2016

Finding Hope

I posted in one of my first posts about the word HOPE, and how to me it meant Hold On Pain Ends.  This wonderful, amazing, strong, unique woman Monica that has overcome so much in her life and is such an inspiration to me and to others. Truly she is, and she doesn’t even know it.  Posted this on Facebook the other day.  Help Other People Evolve.  So beautiful.  That means so much more to me now.  I know the pain will end.  I have survived the pain, and will continue to survive the pain, now my journey is to show others and to help others evolve, one post at a time.  I hope my journey helps someone. Even just one person then I will be happy. 

I have posted a couple of challenges, have you done any of them?  I would LOVE to see pictures of people doing my first challenge.

Do you remember the first challenge?  It was the bra challenge.  Buy the biggest bra you can find and put bowling balls/small watermelons in it and deal with it for a while.  Come on, challenge the guys in your life.  This one was just for laughs.

Yesterday’s challenge: Get out of your comfort zone, and give someone a compliment.  Give someone a compliment that you don’t think receives them on a regular basis, someone that looks like they need a smile that day.  Everyone needs a smile. 

I am going to make it a goal to make someone smile every day.  No matter what I am going through, I will find a way to make someone smile.  This has been something that I have done right along anyways, but even more so now.  Right now I am being drawn to this.  I am going to be the light I want to see in others.

The last year of my life has been so negative and so much has brought me down and I am determined to bring it back around to joy.  I am cutting out the drama.  I am walking away from people that do not uplift me.  There comes a time in your life when you have to do what is best for you whether others agree or not.  Find your inner peace that’s what I am going to do in life.

Positive energy, positive thoughts, and daily affirmations.  I may not write them down in a daily journal but I do funnel a lot of thoughts here in this blog.  Maybe I will start a daily affirmations journal too. 

Today’s daily affirmation:  I am a strong, competent woman; I believe in my abilities and express myself with ease.

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